Data management

Data Management Information


77 Elektronika Műszeripari Kft. (H-1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 98.; hereinafter referred to as: Data Manager), according to Section 20 of Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational Self-Determination and on Freedom of Information (hereinafter referred to as: Info Act), informs the affected person of data management (hereinafter referred to as: Affected Person) that providing data to the Data Manager is voluntary, including data requested by the Data Manager.


The Data Manager, according to Section 5 (1) a) and b) of the Info Act, based on the approval of the Affected Person, or based on mandatory data management specified by law, as well as based on Article 6 (1) a)-c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council – hereinafter referred to as: GDPR – manages the personal data of the Affected Person for the purposes listed below:


  • Name
  • Possibly residential address
  • Possibly delivery address
  • Email address
  • Possibly phone number
  • User name


The Data Manager manages the above listed personal data for the following purposes:


  • to register the Affected Person on the website
  • to sell products to the Affected Person, to fulfil its invoice and receipt providing obligation, as well as to validate the warranty, furthermore
  • to send information to the Affected Person by its services, programs regarding the health preservation of the Affected Person, as well as to send messages and information in connection with news related to the area of in-vitro diagnostics


The management of personal data is not performed in an automated manner, no profiling happens.


The Managing Director of the Data Manager, the employees performing sales, the IT staff involved in data protection as well as the Data Protection Officer may gain access to your personal data. The duration of data management – if it is based on the approval of the Affected Person - continues until the revoking of the approval by the Affected Person, however the revoking of the approval does not affect the legality of data management performed based on the approval prior to the revoking of the approval. The duration of data management calculated from providing the data – if it is based on complying with legal obligations, it continues until the deadlines determined by the applicable law, or contract – but until the achievement of the related purpose at the latest. The Affected Person may revoke his/her approval, in writing, with a notification to any of the below listed contacts of the Data Manager. The Affected Person may initiate and administrate the modification, correction of his/her personal data in the same way. In the case of changes in legal provisions in the meantime, or if the conditions thereof exist, the Data Manager deletes those personal data of Affected Person that are no longer necessary for the achievement of the data management’s purpose.


Your personal data are transmitted to the current contracted postal service provider partners of the Data Manager, so the Affected Person’s orders can be delivered. During the electronic storage of documents related to the Affected Person, the Affected Person’s data are transmitted to the current contracted electronic storage service provider partners of the Data Manager, so the data related to the Affected Person can be electronically stored. The Affected Person acknowledges and expressly approves that his/her personal data may be transmitted as described above.


The Data Manager notifies the Affected Person that he/she may request information from the Data Manager regarding the management of his/her personal data, and may request access to his/her personal data, their correction, deletion, blocking, or the cancelation of his/her data management for a specific purpose or a portion thereof, as well as may object to the management of his/her data. The Affected Person has the right to receive his/her personal data managed electronically, in a well-legible format that is widely used and machine readable, as well as to transfer these data to another data manager, without the Data Manager hindering this. Furthermore the Affected Person may request information regarding his/her personal data possibly processed by the Data Manager, their source, the purpose of data management, its legal basis, duration, the name, address and data management activities of the Data Manager, in the case of a data breach incident its circumstances, effects as well as the measures taken for its mitigation and prevention, furthermore – in the case of the transmission of the Affected Person’s personal data, about the legal basis and addressee of the data transmission.


Regarding data management, the Affected Person has the right to the legal remedy options ensured by the Info Act, specifically the right to object as determined in Section 21 of the Info Act and Article 21 of GDPR, as well as he/she may enforce his/her rights before a court of law according to the provisions of Section 21 of the Info Act, and claim potential compensation and financial damage remedy due to him/her. If the Affected Person cannot successfully settle the objection, complaint or request related to personal data with the Data Manager to his/her satisfaction, or otherwise the Affected Person at any time believes that a legal violation occurred in connection to the management of his/her personal data, or an immediate danger thereof exists, then he/she has the right to make a report to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (headquarters: H-1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c.; postal address: H-1530 Budapest, Pf. 5).


Name and contact of the Data Manager’s Data Protection Officer: dr. Gergely Kocsiscsák; H-1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 98.

Data Manager’s email address:

Data Manager’s postal address: H-1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 98.

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